Buddha :Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, man cannot live without a spiritual life


Imagine that you are in a dark room, surrounded by shadows, and only one candle is flickering in the corner. That candle, with its faint glow, is your only source of light. Now imagine that flame being extinguished, leaving you in complete darkness, deprived of any guidance or comfort.

In the same way, our life is like that candle, and spirituality is the flame that gives it meaning and purpose. Without spirituality, our existence can feel hollow, like a candle without a flame. It is the spiritual fire within us that lights our path, giving us clarity amidst the uncertainties of life.

Spirituality nourishes our soul, gives us the strength to endure the challenges of life and the knowledge to deal with its complexities. It connects us to something greater than ourselves, the supreme power, the universe, or the interconnectedness of all living beings.

We, as human beings, need spirituality to fulfill our purpose of living a meaningful and fulfilling life. It ignites our passion, fuels our compassion and leads us to inner peace and contentment.

Therefore, when the Buddha said that man cannot live without spiritual life, he was reminding us of this profound truth. It is the essence of our existence, the flame that keeps our souls illuminated in the darkness of the world.

Disclaimer: To the best of the author’s knowledge, this article is accurate and true. Content should not be used as a substitute for consulting with a lawyer or other qualified advisor in topics of business, finances, law, or technology. It is only for informational or entertaining reasons


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