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When we speak words of gratitude, it is like sowing seeds of positivity in the fertile soil of our hearts. It's really polite and pleasant, like presenting a fragrant bouquet of flowers to someone...

Buddha :Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, man cannot live without a spiritual life

Imagine that you are in a dark room, surrounded by shadows, and only one candle is flickering in the corner. That candle, with its faint glow, is your only source of light. Now imagine...

There is a lesson in rejection too

Instead of getting disappointed when you are rejected, make it a stepping stone for progress and move forward. It is believed that while giving an interview for a job, making an investment proposal for...

Love Your Imperfections

My dear, let me gently and softly convey to you the most delightful truth: your flaws are the fundamental essence of your attractiveness. The brushstrokes delicately compose the masterpiece of your soul, resulting in...

Spiritual Lessons for Improving Your Life

Spirituality offers a multitude of advantages, comprising both mental and physical well-being. I am deeply appreciative of spirituality for its role in developing inner peace and empowering me during challenging periods. Each breath I take...

श्री नंदकिशोरदास गोस्वामी प्रभु जी

बंग देश ( आज के भारत का राज्य पश्चिम बंगाल ) के बाकुण्डा जिले के पुरुणिया पात के श्री रसिकानंद प्रभु के छोटे बेटे श्री नन्दकिशोरदास गोस्वामी श्रीश्रीमन नित्यानन्द प्रभु की सांतवी पीढ़ी...

श्री हरिदास रामानंदी महात्मा जी ( वृंदावन ) २५० वर्ष पूर्व

इस ब्रह्माण्ड में जितने भी स्थान हैं वह श्री भगवान् जी के ही हैं वह सभी जगह विद्यमान हैं ,परन्तु सभी जगहों में त्रिलोकीनाथ श्री भगवान जी को वृन्दावन सबसे अधिक प्रिय है। श्री...

Bhagavad Gita: The process of attaining deeper understanding 2

Continuing from the previous chapter No 1, we try to understand the themes of Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad-gita contains five major topics that are illustrated as follows:Ishvara – The Supreme Lord,Jiva – The Living Entity,Prakruti...

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There is a lesson in rejection too

Love Your Imperfections

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