Bhagavad Gita: The process of attaining deeper understanding 2


Continuing from the previous chapter No 1, we try to understand the themes of Bhagavad Gita.

The Bhagavad-gita contains five major topics that are illustrated as follows:
Ishvara – The Supreme Lord,
Jiva – The Living Entity,
Prakruti – The Material Nature,
Kala – Eternal Time and
Karma – Activities.

There is Ishvara, which is the controller, and there are Jivas, which are the controlled living things. Ishvara, also known as the Supreme Being or God, is believed to possess absolute control and power over all aspects of creation. On the other hand, Jivas, or individual souls, are considered to be subject to the will and guidance of Ishvara in their actions and experiences.  

 There is  Prakruti (material nature), Kala ,time, (the length of the universe’s existence or the manifestation of material nature), and karma (activity). 

Prakruti refers to the material elements and forces that make up the physical world, while Time determines the duration of these elements and their manifestations. Karma, on the other hand, represents the actions and deeds performed by living beings within this material realm. 

There are many diverse things happening in the cosmic manifestation. Different activities are carried out by all living things. These activities can range from the growth of plants and animals to the complex interactions between humans in society. Each living being contributes to the overall balance and functioning of the material realm, creating a dynamic and ever-changing environment.

The Bhagavad-gita also reveals the interconnectedness between God, living beings, and the material realm. It emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s role and duty in maintaining harmony within this dynamic environment. Through its teachings, we gain insight into the purpose and significance of all living activities in the grand scheme of creation.

Ishvara (the Supreme Lord), Jiva (the living entity), Prakṛuti (nature), Kala (eternal time) and Karma (activity) are all explained in the Bhagavad-gita.

The manifestation of Prakṛtimay be temporary, but it is not false. Some philosophers say that the manifestation of material nature is false, but according to the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita , this is not so. According to the Bhagavad-gita, Prakṛuti is a temporary and essential aspect of the material world. It is through Prakṛuti that the living entities engage in various activities and experience the results of their actions.

The material manifestation takes place at a certain interval, stays for a while and then disappears. This cyclical nature of material manifestation is a fundamental aspect of the universe. It allows for constant change and evolution, ensuring that nothing remains stagnant or permanent.

Such are the workings of Prakruti. But this cycle is working eternally. Therefore Prakruti is eternal; it is not false. Prakruti, as the eternal force behind this cyclical nature, is not a temporary illusion but a fundamental reality. It is the driving force that sustains the constant flux and transformation within the universe. This eternal aspect of Prakruti ensures that life and existence are always in a state of dynamic equilibrium, never ceasing to evolve and adapt.

This material nature is the separated energy of the Supreme Lord, and similarly the living entities are also the energy of the Supreme Lord, although they are not separated but eternally related. The interconnectedness between Prakruti and the living entities highlights the divine nature of their relationship. While Prakruti undergoes constant change, the living entities maintain an eternal connection with the Supreme Lord, serving as a reminder of their inherent spiritual essence.

To be continued…..

Disclaimer: Hello there, dear reader! We simply want to set down a little disclaimer with this blog’s emotional journey. This site is mostly for exchanging emotions, experiences, and thoughts. We may express ourselves freely and emotionally engage with you there. But please remember that we do not hold professional credentials as therapists or subject matter experts. We’re just sharing our experiences and observations.

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